Here is to a new week! I'll admit. I was not too good this weekend. Friday we went to some friends house and I did pretty good, had a couple beers but didn't go over my calories for the day. We even ended up walking another 3.5 mile that evening!

Saturday was awful. We had a BBQ over at our house and I didn't even try to keep track or make good choices. I am sure I went WAY over on everything. But we had a blast!

And Sunday was Easter and though I didn't do awful I didn't do good either.

Today is a new day and a new start. I weighed in at 207.6 and decided I needed some new motivation. I went to town and bought myself some 5lbs ankle weights and a new workout video. Also got some salad stuff and healthy groceries! And now- I'm off to do my workout!

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