After yesterday's weighin I was pretty down and upset wih myself. I worked hard yesterday to stay on top of my cravings and keep control. I went for a walk with the kiddos and really enjoyed it. Later in the evening I also went with a friend and walked another 3.25 miles. Total walking was 5.75 miles yesterday. And I really honestly feel amazing this morning. I had my last fiber drink for a few days this morning along with 2 boiled egg whites for breakfast. Yum :)

Weigh in this morning- 205.4 Yey I'm back moovin in the right direction! Headed out to take a walk/jog with my other dog this morning before I start doing my cleaning and baking for the day.
Kennedi, Jersey, Josie, Jaden, Carter, Jaysen and the big mutt Truman :)

Usually I go walk with my dog, today, I got to walk with not only my kids but their best friends too! It is such a beautiful day, we walked 2.5 miles and I pushed myself to jog as much as I could. I feel great and motivated today! Now to go get the dishes done and start lunch for all these kiddos!
I had a rough day yesterday. I cheated myself at lunch and didnt make great choices after lunch at all. I went over on my calorie intake and didn't work out.

I didn't feel in control and it was a downward spiral. I never let it get too out of control but it was definitely a bad day.

The scale showed 209 this morning. That was after breakfast but still a pretty significant step backwards. I knew this would happen and have been preparing myself for a " bad news" day. So. This morning I am going to take all of my oversized herd of children and go for a 2-3 mile walk, and depending on how I feel out there I may try to jog a little here and there.

The cleanse is going good. I tried the fiber drink in grapefruit juice this morning and I have to say it went down easier, but still not the drink of choice!

I'm almost out of spark, I have been handing it out to friends and family like candy to share the amazing product with others, but it is seriously depleting my stash :(. So I placed an order this morning for a box of spark, omegaplex, and catalyst.

I decided to cut up fruits and veggies this morning so that when I open the fridge they are easy to grab for snacks and since I was in there I steamed some carrots and made a big pan of wild rice so it is ready for lunch :). Today should definitely go better than yesterday and tomorrow weigh in better than today's!
mmmmm.....the good stuff :)

Yeah I'm definitely sold on this stuff it seriously is worth every dime, I feel great I have been able to give up drinking soda and coffee without any cravings or headaches like before! The Spark gives me the boost of energy I need but doesn't wear off mid day....overall it is just the perfect drink! and the meal replacement shakes are so yummy... They don't have the chalky taste like other "diet" shakes do. Plus, the shake lasts and doesn't Lear me hungry an hour later or leave me feeling like I need to snack. So yummy!
Today is day one of the Advocare herbal cleanse! Not to sure about the fiber drink this morning but it wasn't horrible....just not the greatest :) and actually the flavor is fine it's the...well...fiber. It has I strange texture, so i would suggest not sipping it with breakfast- just chug it down and be happy you don't have to drink it every day!

Weight this morning is 206.6! I'm still seeing the steady decline, which makes me extremely happy. I'll check in this evening after my workout also :)

Pre cleanse measurements:
Cheast: 42"
Arm: 14"
Thighs: 28"
Hip: 41"
Waist: 38"

I'm not too excited about putting this on here, but it should hold me accountable and help me to stay on track! And hopefully encourage you to join me in using this amazing product for your get healthy journey!!
Day 1- weight 216.2 freak out decide to make a change

Day 2- weight 215 sign up to be an Advocare distributer and stop drinking soda

Day 3- start workout, 30 min of 'the firm'. Kicked my rear weight 213.6

Day 4- can't move, sore, still eat healthy down to 212.4

Day 5- still sore and getting a cold. Down to 212

Day 6- advocare order arrives WAHOO! Time to get serious. Have munches today, but remain in control and make good choices. Weight 210.8

Day 7- Today I got the second half I my advocare order, I weighed in at 209.2 and I am glad to see steady progress, I know there will be a plateau at some point but for now I need the steady decline to keep motivated.

I am over being sore but haven't been able to get back in the workout. I will tomorrow. I am also starting the advocare 10 day herbal cleanse tomorrow. Will keep updates on progress of the cleanse and how I feel through out.

As of today, I feel like hell, this cold is kicking my rear and it was all I could do not to cuddle up in a blankie an drink hot cocoa and shove comfort food in my mouth. But I stayed strong and didn't break. Water and advocare spark were my drinks of choice.