Ok so weekends are hard. I totally fail all weekend long. So my goal for this week is to maintain through the weekend! I haven't Weighed since Thursday, and have to wait because I don't have a scale here at the moment :(. But it may be better that way, I went way off track all weekend long. This morning for breakfast was rye toast and a boiled egg, lunch will be a meal shake and a chicken salad for supper :). Plus I'm going to go walk this evening with a great friend. Measurements didn't change after my cleanse :( boooo but weight was lost and it's a long journey. I will continue the 24 day challenge and in 90 days will cleanse again. Like the photo says, I'm not dieting I am changing a lifestyle, it takes more than a few weeks to be able to continually make the right choices. It's about falling apart and picking it back up, not giving up this time!!!
Debra H
4/8/2013 06:37:56 am

Good luck to you! You can do it! WE can do it! We all fall from time to time and we have to eat things we love to be successful! Especially when we cook for others who don't want to eat our "diet" food! lol We can all share recipes and ideas and that gives us variety. Thank goodness for the internet! Hang in there!

Rochelle Stitt
4/8/2013 06:56:57 am

Yes I agree the more support the better!!!!


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