Day 1- weight 216.2 freak out decide to make a change

Day 2- weight 215 sign up to be an Advocare distributer and stop drinking soda

Day 3- start workout, 30 min of 'the firm'. Kicked my rear weight 213.6

Day 4- can't move, sore, still eat healthy down to 212.4

Day 5- still sore and getting a cold. Down to 212

Day 6- advocare order arrives WAHOO! Time to get serious. Have munches today, but remain in control and make good choices. Weight 210.8

Day 7- Today I got the second half I my advocare order, I weighed in at 209.2 and I am glad to see steady progress, I know there will be a plateau at some point but for now I need the steady decline to keep motivated.

I am over being sore but haven't been able to get back in the workout. I will tomorrow. I am also starting the advocare 10 day herbal cleanse tomorrow. Will keep updates on progress of the cleanse and how I feel through out.

As of today, I feel like hell, this cold is kicking my rear and it was all I could do not to cuddle up in a blankie an drink hot cocoa and shove comfort food in my mouth. But I stayed strong and didn't break. Water and advocare spark were my drinks of choice.

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