Not the best choice I've made, but man did it taste good! I made prime rib with mashed potatoes and steamed spinach for the fam last night. I planned on doing just the spinach and some rice. Nah the longer I smelled the prime the more I wanted it!

Anyhow, 205.2 this morning :( doh! It was worth it though. I needed to treat myself.
And it was sooooo good!

Although after I ate I have to say, after my my 6oz prime made it into my tummy it felt like the entire cow!! I could tell that I had ate way too much.

Today it's back to being good, this is day 9 of my cleanse, meaning only today and tomorrow! Then we will take a look back at the measurements. I'll be honest I've lost pounds, but I cat SEE any difference in me, I'm not sure if I have lost any inches or not, but I sure do feel great! It's amazing to me looking back how crappy I felt and didn't even realize it!

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